Angelion:" I personally found out that below tips is quite useful.. You can use it " Right Away "
So a lot of guys naturally attempt to establish that sense of bond and connection with a girl right away.
Unfortunately, they walk away brushed off by the girl and scratching their heads as to what they did wrong.
Yes, getting deep rapport with a girl is necessary - eventually.
But NOT at the first moment you meet her.
If you try for bond, connection, and deep rapport at the first moment you meet a girl, it will blow up in your face.
Because you don’t have enough Social Value to the girl yet.
It’s not that women don’t like that building that sense of bond and connection with a man. They LIKE it. They WANT it.
They just want to do it with a man with equal or higher social value than themselves.
If you jump directly into Bond and Connection (B&C) routines and material right away without establishing any social value first, you’ll just come across as another “nice guy”.
First, you have to build your social value to the girl. As I’ve discussed in detail before, there are many ways of doing this:
1. Social proof - she sees you talking with other hot girls
Once you’re in her group of friends, have built social value for yourself, and screened her and accepted her, she’ll begin giving you signs of interest – touching you, smiling at you, turning her body to face you, attempt to initiate conversation with you, and so on.
This is the point – once you know she likes you – that you want to establish that deep, intimate, bond and connection with her.