First Initial Steps to Win Her Back - Get Your Ex Back Fast


Some says: If you know what women want, you can rule the world.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Handling Girls with Boyfriends‏

A lot of guys ask me, "What do I say if she tells me she has aboyfriend?" The fact is, most beautiful women have a boyfriend most of thetime. If men are like spiders trying to catch as many women intotheir web as they can, women are like swinging tree-monkeys,swinging from boyfriend to boyfriend but never letting go of thefirst without having a second lined up to grab onto. So you can'tjust ignore women with boyfriends or you'll severely limit youroptions. Most of the time if a girl says she has a boyfriend, I just ignoreit and keep gaming her like I would normally. Usually, the chickwill come around. By the way, the worst thing you can do is let itstop you dead in your tracks - the girl is testing you to see ifyou're a wuss. One technique I also like to use is a "boyfriend destroyer". Aboyfriend destroyer is especially effective if her boyfriend is notmeeting her core values and she's looking to leave him anyway andjust needs an extra nudge out. For instance, last month I met a cute black-haired beauty by thepool and she was telling me how she had just broken up with herboyfriend and how he was such a jerk. She went on about him for tenminutes straight. She was getting more and more worked up it.Besides getting bored, I didn't want any of this negativityattached to me. So I told her, "Just imagine your ex-boyfriend three inches tall,like this, standing right on the table in front of you. Now I wantyou to take your hand and smash him and crumple him up in yourhands-" She immediately squashed her invisible ex against the table andcrumpled him up before I could finish! Then I told her, "And THROW him into the pool where he willdisappear! Splash! Gone!" She threw him in and after that never said one more word about him- only that I was so "intelligent" and "sweet" and "incredible"and... well you get the idea. But some women LIKE their boyfriends and there's little you can doto neutralize or destroy him in her mind. In that case you have totake a completely different approach. (The following conversationis simplified for clarity) One girl I met at a party casually mentioned her boyfriend inconversation. I said to her, "You know, I'm really curious aboutsomething... about your boyfriend, what about him first attractedyou?" She started telling me what it was about her boyfriend that firstattracted her. She said, "Well I wasn't attracted to him AT FIRST,but it was just the way he... and the way he... and..." This isimportant, because she's giving you step-by-step instructions onEXACTLY how to seduce her! I then asked her, "When you first fell in love with this personwhat exactly did you feel?" No matter what she says, she'll lightly go into that state of firstfalling in love as she accesses it in her mind - with YOU causingthe good feeling in her. I asked her, "Where did that feeling start?" She told me in her chest (they'll usually say in their throat orstomach). Then I asked her, "From your chest, where did it go it next?" She told me it went down to her tummy. I said, "Now let me get this straight... I was actually talking toa friend of mine last week and with her when she feels she'sattracted to a person she said it starts in her throat, but for youit starts here in your chest..." I touched her chest. "And then down to your tummy right," I saidtracing my finger down to her naval. I've now just elicited HER particular process of becoming attractedand then LED her through it by tracing the path of that feelingwith my finger (and anchored that incredible feeling to my fingeras I touched her). In effect, I created the experience of "becomingattracted" for her as I traced the feeling with my finger along herskin - all with the excuse of, "Now let me see if I got what yousaid straight." I finished up with, "It's kind of weird that way... how you justbecome attracted to someone like that... as if it just explodesinside of you when it hits your tummy... but things like that canjust happen and in my opinion you should never try to fightsomething like that." As a final note, you MUST have some level of rapport when you pulla move like this. The more rapport you have with her, the bettershe'll respond and more powerful the effect will be. For even more great tips and techniques, check out my SeductionScience System, the 3rd Edition- now in instant downloadable MP3format- Everything you need to succeed with women, from finding them,approaching them, talking with them, and seducing them is all rightthere in my one program.

Derek Vitalio

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